Strategic Plan – 2024 Priorities

Jabiru Community College’s Strategic plan outlines the Vision, Mission and Objectives (see below for details) for the period from 2022 to 2025.

The College Board of Director’s have identified the priority strategies/actions for 2024. 2022-2025 Strategic Plan – 2024 Priorities.

Affirming, inspiring and quality learning that centres young people most impacted by the injustices and oppressions of society.

To be a safe and creative learning community where young people from diverse backgrounds can take up their human right to a 21st Century education.


  • EMPOWERED LEARNING – To provide a robust  and safe  learning environment, guided by clear practice principles, that enables young people to exercise their personal agency and learn  skills and practices to be lifelong learners and active citizens
  • ENGAGED COMMUNITY – To be a safe and inspiring community that draws on the wisdom and experiences of its members and celebrates the uniqueness of everyone. To be an active community member in our neighbourhood and sector, having strong connections with First Nations communities, partners, advocates and supporters.
  • ROBUST, ETHICAL  COURAGEOUS AND SUSTAINABLE GOVERNANCE AND OPERATIONS – To ensure robust, loving  and effective governance and ethical use of resources.
  • PASSIONATE, EMPOWERED, ENGAGED AND SUPPORTED PEOPLE – To be a workplace of excellence for a passionate, engaged, capable, trusted and well supported team.