Donate Resources

Our resource donors are critical to helping us achieve our mission of delivering high quality and innovative learning experiences to young people who have been disenfranchised from traditional learning environments. Without your kind donations of resources, the projects pictured above wouldn’t have happened – your donations are the spark that help our young people (re)discover in themselves their innate capacity and desire for learning.

How can you help us now?

Review the lists below and if you have any of these items to donate, give the college a call on 07 3554 1799 to discuss your donation.

Hospitality, Cooking & Independent Living Skills programs

  • BBQ (large)
  • Benchtop bain marie and food warmers
  • Food processor
  • Pots/Pans

Outdoors & Gardens – Gardening horticulture skills programs

  • Compost Bins
  • Seedlings
  • Soil
  • Wheelbarrow
  • Garden tools
  • Small to medium storage shed

Makerspace – S.T.E.A.M* skills programs

  • Art/Craft Art Easels
  • Drafting / drawing tables
  • Wood-turning lathe
  • Paints, brushes
  • General art/craft supplies
  • Welder
  • Electric tools
  • Musical Instruments
  • Guitar amplifier
  • Photography equipment & cameras

* S.T.E.A.M stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics – read this explainer see here.

Sporting and Games Equipment

  • Pool table & equipment
  • Punching bag
  • Foosball table
  • Ping Pong table & equipment
  • Air hockey table
  • Lego
  • Sporting equipment – footballs, basketballs
  • Outdoor gym equipment