The Board of Jabiru Community College would like to announce to our school community that David Powell and Frances Missen will be finishing their work as Co-Principals of Jabiru Community College at the end of 2024. They will remain with the College for the rest of 2024 and will work with us to support a smooth transition for the incoming Co-Principals and the new Leadership Team.

David and Frances have worked tirelessly to create a safe, vibrant and caring school community.  We recognise the huge commitment that both have given the College under their leadership and wish them well on their next ventures.

The Board is now working with Lisa Bridle and a recruitment service to recruit new Co-Principals who will lead and care for our school community from 2025. We are looking for Co-Principals to lead our learning community with humility, humour and dedication. We are interested in talking to people who are dedicated to collaboration and committed to the values of our College.

We remain committed to providing the best education we can for young people most impacted by social injustices and for whom the traditional/mainstream pathways did not allow them to thrive.  Jabiru Community College continues our commitment to learning how to incorporate First Nations ways of knowing, learning and being into our practices. We are also committed to the ongoing work creating a school that is safe and honours the individual identities of our diverse community members.

We know that these will be big changes for our school community. The Board is committed to make sure the transition is as smooth as possible and the interests of the College, the young people and the staff are our highest priority. We look forward to continuing our journey together as we re-imagine education.

We will have opportunities towards the end of 2024 to thank Frances and David and celebrate their achievements. I welcome you to be part of these celebrations.

Sincerely Yours,

Danny Field
Board Chairperson