Enrol at JCC

Who can enrol at JCC?

The College is for young people who are:

  • seeking a flexible, holistic and supported approach to learning in grades 10, 11 or 12 of their senior years.
  • not currently enrolled in other full-time training, education or employment programs.
  • facing challenges that make enrolling in, or staying engaged in, other education/training options difficult.

The college’s Enrolment Eligibility Policy describes these eligibility criteria in more detail.  If you would like to know if you, or a young person you are supporting, is  eligible for enrolment at the college, please give us a call on 07 3554 1799 to discuss this with our staff.  We will be happy to provide a copy of our enrolment policy on request.

Professional Referrals

If you are a social worker, guidance officer, counsellor, youth worker, psychologist (or similar) and would like to support a young person to enrol, in addition to the above process, please also complete this “Professional Referral Form” and bring it along with you to the meet’n’greet or email it to office@jcc.qld.edu.au.

How do I enrol at JCC?

Phone us on 3554 1799 to enquire about enrolling.  Our staff can answer questions you have about the school, and will also ask you a few basic questions to ascertain if you or the young person you are referring is eligible to enrol.

  • If you are eligible; and
  • If there are spaces available you will be invited to attend a Meet’n’Greet.
  • If there are no spaces available, you’ll be asked if you want to go on the enrolment waitlist.

Attend a ‘Meet’n’ Greet (enrolment meeting) with us.  At this meeting we will:

  • answer any questions you have about how the college runs and what it can do for you;
  • ask you about what your hopes and interests are.

If you are still interested in enrolling, we will provide you with all the necessary paperwork to enrol at the college.

Complete and return the enrolment paperwork to our office.

Once we have all the paperwork, you will be able to start attending and move on to step 4 in the process.

Attend an orientation program for one week.  At this program, you will get to:

  • Meet the staff and other young people;
  • Experience how the school runs and get to know your way around;
  • Complete some numeracy and literacy tests (they take approximately 2 hours in total – you can do a bit each day).  These help us to work out your starting point in these areas.
  • Think about and share further details on your interests and the skills and knowledge you want to learn more about while studying at JCC.

If you’ve made it this far, then the first part of your learning journey at JCC is complete.

After you have completed orientation, you will join a Community Group and be connected to a Learning Advisor and Community Group Coordinator – these two staff members are there to support you on your learning journey.  The Learning Advisor will be a teacher who will help you develop and work on your learning plan.  The Community Group Coordinator is there to support your connection to the school community and connect you with extra supports if needed.